ARC Annual Report

MARCH 1, 2018

– George Griffiths, Chair


The ARC's original mission was to maintain the developer's vision of what Barefoot should look like. In the past couple of years the ARC has focused on residents’ desire to improve their homes and bring them up-to-date to reflect 2018 standards for landscaping and most importantly for home security, integrity and value. 

As a result in 2017 we approved 221 projects which I value at 2.5 to 3 million dollars including three new homes. Examples include 29 enclosing or expanding patios and 14 roof replacements. 

I also am proud of the ARC’s support for residents that have invested in new landscaping to update the value of their homes, reduce overgrowth of original plantings, and in many cases remove trees that have either become so large that they present a danger to homes or whose root systems cause lawn damage or damage to driveways. 

We have asked in 2017 to provide photographs of the areas in which you are making changes. It allows us to have a better understanding of how your projects will affect your property or the views of neighbors. We use Goggle Earth but sometimes the downloads are outdated. The photographs allow us to make an immediate decision without making a site visit.

We continue to modify guidelines to meet new needs for the Barefoot Community. We ask that whenever you plan a change to the exterior of your home or your yard that you make an application to the ARC. We will work with you to help you implement your improvements and enjoy the Barefoot experience. 

The existing ARC Committee has an average tenure of almost 5 years and has conducted over 1000 application reviews. In addition, each of the members brings years of previous experience in contracting, real estate, and managing large companies or HOAs.

We also have great respect for the opinions of our individual community ARCs and usually support their decisions based on their local and personal experience with their individual communities.

I want to take the opportunity to salute the great work being done by the Leatherleaf ARC. Thanks to Wendy Kerns, Dani Wydra and Eileen Dowling.

I also want to thank Ponderosa and Chrissy Trevathan for their assistance in organizing the applications, presenting them to the ARC, and following up on the ARC decisions.

The ARC Committee meets every two weeks on Wednesdays.