Traffic Committee Annual Report

OCTOBER 1, 2018

– Scott Slater, Committee Chair


In 2018, the Traffic Committee was realigned to work with the Neighborhood Watch Committee. Together, the two groups have worked towards improving the security and safety of the roads, common areas and community in general throughout the year.

Specifically, the Traffic Committee has met with the North Myrtle Beach Department of Public Safety to determine ways to reduce speeding throughout Barefoot, which is one of the Committees’ top priorities. One of the key outcomes of this effort has been an increase in Public Safety patrols throughout Barefoot, especially in the morning and afternoon hours. The Traffic Committee will continue to stay abreast of this issue and pursue other means of controlling the number of drivers not obeying the posted speed limits in Barefoot.

The Committee also recommended to the Board that the existing security camera system, which covers all three entrances, to Barefoot be replaced. The existing system, while still functioning for the most part, was purchased in 2009; however, the equipment in use is out-of-date and in need of upgrading. At the Board’s direction, the Committee conducted a search for contractors and subsequently provided the Board with a list of three local companies which we felt were the best choices. The Board will make a final determination prior to the end of the calendar year.