FEBRUARY 1, 2019
As a part of the 2019 Budget process, the Joint Committee Board made the decision to convert the North Tower Pool from a saltwater generating system to an ionization system. The Board also made the decision to contract with Coastal Pure for the management of the pool and spa bodies of water.
As with the saltwater system, an ionization system does require the use of chlorine. The amount of chlorine used by an ionization system is greatly reduced. Ionization is a second layer of protection; protecting swimmers from germs, bacteria and viruses commonly found in swimming pools and spas. Ionization systems improve the quality of the water and overall condition of the swimming pool. This process is scheduled to be completed by the end of February.
The Joint Committee Board also approved the use of recycled glass in the North Tower Pool and Spa filtration systems. Traditionally pool filters use sand, but there are now alternatives such as crushed recycled glass. The crushed glass has the consistency of raw sugar.
According to Coastal Pure, recycled glass is a highly efficient filtration media, which outperforms sand. Switching to the use of glass media is greatly advised as it has been proven to produce significantly better-quality pool water.
Glass media can produce considerable cost saving results for swimming pools. Utilizing this efficient media is a more environmentally friendly option than the continued use of quarried sand and gravel. Coastal Pure has completed the process of replacing sand in the filter systems with glass.