August 1, 2019
~ Nancy Gosiewski, Committee Co-Chair ~
The year kicked off with a Hypnotist show at the Comedy Cabana Club. We had 63 people attend & half of the "victims" that were hypnotized were our own Barefooters!!!
In February we held our 1st Men's Luncheon of the year at Boardwalk Billy's, 23 of our Barefoot guys enjoyed an afternoon with the guys & good food.
April was our largest event to date with close to 200 people attending our 3rd Meet & Greet at the new Marina Bar & Grill. We reached our capacity of 160 in a day and a half which resulted in a waiting list of 38 people.
In June, it was a day at La Belle Amie & another men's luncheon.
July we had the Beach Party planned at the Pelican's Stadium with close to 100 people but Mother Nature wouldn't co-operate so that is being re-scheduled for August 20th. Tom Reeder will be sending out more info later. We want to say a special "Thanks" to Tom for all the hard work he's put in on this event.
Our next venture in the works is a "Farewell to the Cabana" party on August 18th. More information will be sent out in a couple of weeks.