Barefoot Caring Council Blood Drive

When: Tuesday, June 21
Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm
Place: Barefoot Resort & Golf Clubhouse

The Bloodmobile will be parked in the right parking lot as you enter the golf club

Please schedule your appointment online @ WWW.REDCROSSBLOOD.ORG

Sponsor code: Barefoot

RAPID PASS is a great way to help save lives in less time!


If you have questions about your eligibility to donate, please refer to the information on

On-line registration is now open! Make Your Appointment Today!  Appointments can be made at with sponsor code “Barefoot”.

Masks on the Blood Mobile are no longer required.

Upon arrival for your appointment, you must complete the necessary background information before you can donate. However, this step can be eliminated by completing and printing the same information on the Red Cross Rapid Pass page found on line at

FYI, the Blood Mobile will be parked in the right parking lot as you enter the golf club. Please check in with one of the volunteers upon arrival.

If you have questions, please contact the Caring Council at

Thank you in advance!!!!

Maureen O’Callaghan and Linda Ort
Co-Chairs, Barefoot Caring Council