– Gwenn McDaniel
Hello Barefoot Residents!
We had a very successful School Supplies Drive this year! Thanks to our single and multi-family residents who were able to donate! On August 16th, volunteers gathered together to sort, divide and box the supplies designated for our three local NMB elementary schools: North Myrtle Beach Elementary (formerly Riverside Elementary), Waterway Elementary, and Ocean Drive Elementary. The supplies were delivered on August 20, 2018, in time for the first day of school!
A BIG THANK you to everyone who contributed supplies and/or their time to help with this project. While many organizations host school supply drives, those of us who have been in public education know that you can never have too many supplies for children in need and for teachers who are continually asked to take money from their own families to buy supplies for their classrooms. These supplies are not only for the first day of school but also must last for the next nine months! That means everyone’s donation counts, is needed and is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!!!
Gwenn McDaniel, 2018 Barefoot Caring Council Chair