~ Judy May, 2024 Cabana Chairman
2023 was another incredible year for the Barefoot Beach Cabana. Marie Chaisson served as Chair in 2023, and we thank her for her leadership as she completed her term. Marie will remain with the Beach Cabana Committee in 2024 as the Board Liaison. Brian White, 2022 Chair, completed his term at the end of 2022, and Bryan Stephens resigned during 2023 due to a property sale. We extend our deepest gratitude to them all for their hard work and dedication.
The Committee elected Judy May as 2024 Chair. Diana Byle was nominated and agreed to continue as Secretary for another year, and Kathy Deibel is serving the second year of her term on the Committee. We also welcome two new members: Beverly Livezey and John Tomasko.
The mission of the Barefoot Beach Cabana Committee for 2024 remains the same. The objective for the Committee is to ensure that the Cabana continues to function as a major benefit to the Barefoot community. The Committee will regularly review suggestions and concerns from the homeowners and report to the BRRA. Several adjustments have been made along the way and improvements continue as we aim to make the structure the elite destination it is intended to be.
We are planning more community social events, such as a spring cornhole tournament in April and bingo in the fall. We will maintain our support of Cabana activities planned by the Lifestyle Committee in any way possible, as we know these are also very popular. The Cabana continues to be a source of enjoyment year-round for our homeowners. The enclosed second floor is especially popular during the cooler months for those who want to enjoy a beautiful beach view while socializing with neighbors.
In conclusion, we thank those of you who have respected both the staff and the rules and regulations at our beautiful facility. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
BRRA Beach Cabana Committee Members
Judy May, Chair
Diana Byle
Beverly Livezey
John Tomasko
Katherine Deibel
Marie Chaisson, Board Liaison