2017 JUNE
by Kowena Suckstorf, Strategic Planning & Development Committee
As the Barefoot community has grown so has usage of the Cabana. Normal wear and tear has become more obvious thus requiring maintenance and some improvements. The BRRA community was surveyed to help guide the Board and the Cabana Committee in creating a strategic development and maintenance plan. The survey is your opportunity to voice your opinion and provide input on if and how changes are to be made. The survey was distributed through each community’s voting member. In some communities, the survey was distributed by the management company. Please ensure that your representative has your current email address.
The information from this survey will be analyzed along with data derived from key card usage, the Cabana Committee members and the Cabana employees to develop short- and long-term goals along with a strategic plan that can be incorporated into annual budgets to be executed by the Cabana committee.
Watch for updates on the Cabana survey on the BRRA website. Please contact your Voting Member with any questions and concerns.