APRIL 1, 2018
by Gwenn McDaniel
The Barefoot Caring Council is very interested in sponsoring a blood drive with the American Red Cross during the month of June. By hosting a blood drive in June, our Barefoot Community can help to ensure that there is an adequate blood supply available to all as the 2018 Hurricane Season begins. Also, by holding a blood drive on our Barefoot property, we are hoping to offer our residents a more convenient blood donation opportunity.
Giving blood is safe, simple and helps save lives. Each pint of blood that is donated can help as many as three patients. The American Red Cross is the largest single provider of blood in the United States, providing blood to approximately 2,600 hospitals across the country. With approximately 36,000 units of red cells needed every day across the country, patients count on the generosity of volunteer donors to give them a chance at life.
If you are at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in good health, you may be eligible to give blood. High school students and other donors 18 years old and younger must also meet other height and weight requirements.
The purpose of this article is to help the Caring Council determine the level of interest in inviting the American Red Cross to Barefoot in June. If you would be interested in donating blood, please email Gwenn McDaniel (gwenns101@gmail.com) with your name and phone number. We need a minimum of 35 interested residents before the date for the blood drive can be finalized, so please respond to Gwenn by April 10th.