December Barefoot Crime Statistics

FEBRUARY 1, 2018

North Myrtle Beach Officer William McLeod has provided the following Public Safety crime report for Barefoot during the month of December 2017. This report is posted monthly for your information.

Our BRRA Neighborhood Watch Committee and block captains from all Barefoot neighborhoods actively partner with the NMB police to bring information to the residents and keep the police informed about any unusual activity in our communities. We are fortunate to live in a low crime area.

There were 113 reports for Barefoot Resort:

These calls resulted in the following reports:

Accidents: 2
Alarms: 33
Animal Control: 2
Assault & Battery: 1
Assist Other Agency: 2
Breaking & Entering: 7
Civil Dispute: 1
Noise Complaints: 2
Criminal Domestic Violence: 2
Disabled Vehicles: 2
Fraud: 1
Gun Violation: 1
Harassment: 2
Keep Watch: 1
Motor Vehicle Violations: 21
Overdose: 1
Property Damage Reports: 2
Public Assistance Calls: 3
Public Disorderly Conduct: 3
Public Works: 3
Shots Fired: 1
Suicide Attempt: 1
Bridge View: 1
Suspicious Activity: 11
Trespassing: 1
Vandalism: 1

See Full Report Here


Play It Safe: Pass It On
Remember these safety tips as you drive, and spread the message to your friends and family members:
• If a driver has ingested an impairing substance, such as prescription drugs, sleep medication, marijuana, or any form of illegal drug, he or she should not drive. Passengers should never ride with an impaired driver. If you think a driver may be impaired, do not get in the car with them.
• If you are drug-impaired, pass your key to a sober driver who can safely drive you to your final destination. Like drunk driving, it is essential that drug-impaired drivers refrain from driving a vehicle. It is never okay to drive while impaired by any substance.
• Have a friend who is about to drive while impaired by drugs? Take the keys away and arrange to get them home safely. Don’t worry about offending someone—they’ll thank you later.
• If you see an impaired driver on the road, contact North Myrtle Beach Department of Public Safety (843-280-5511).