– Nancy Gosiewski & Sarah Burgan, Committee Chairs
The first half of the year for the Lifestyle Committee has been a success. The Committee was formed in January to bring the Multi Family & Single Family homeowners together as one Community. We started with a Meet & Greet in February at Putters Pub where over 100 people attended. Everyone enjoyed great food & received information about our Committee & got to meet new neighbors.
In May, we had another informal gathering for a Happy Hour at Wild Wings & once again over 100 neighbors attended for more great food & conversations. July took us to the Beach at the Pelicans Stadium for an all you can eat dinner with chicken, burgers, hot dogs, soft drinks & $2 beers. Again we had 95 neighbors enjoy good food, the game & each others company.
Our next adventure will be in September & it's a day trip to Wilmington, N.C. by coach bus for a day of shopping, sightseeing & then off to visit the battleship North Carolina. We will meet in the parking lot of the golf clubhouse. Watch for the details in the newsletter & fliers. January we are planning a show at the Comedy Club with a well known hypnotist. On top of all that we are helping the Caring Council with school supplies, blood drives & next will be the food drive & Holiday Bazaar.
Thanks to everyone for supporting the Lifestyle Committee so far this year & if you are interested in being part of the Committee contact one our of chairpersons – Sarah Burgan or Nancy Gosiewski.
Nancy Gosiewski-Single Family Chair
Sarah Burgan-Multi Family Chair