Lifestyle Meet & Greet successful!

MARCH 1, 2018


The pilot BRRA Lifestyle Committee held its first Meet & Greet gathering on February 21, 2018 at Putter’s Pub. The event was a sellout with 120 Barefoot residents attending this combined single and multi-family group.

Attendees filled out a survey sheet of event preferences to help the Committee focus on planning future events that residents are most interested in attending.

Speakers included co-chairs Sarah Burgan and Nancy Gosiewski, as well as Tom Reeder who spoke about the Barefoot Pelican Suites, Pat Heerey for the BRRA Website, Judy DeLuca for the Barefoot Ladies Group, and Gwenn McDaniel for the Caring Council.

About the organizations…

Barefoot Luxury Pelican Suites: Barefoot has negotiated special pricing for residents to take advantage of the Pelicans’ Luxury Suites. A great event for any Barefoot neighborhood to enjoy a Pelicans baseball game together! 

20 tickets for only $16.65 each gets you a private suite where you can sit inside or outside. Popcorn, lemonade and iced tea are provided. A catering menu is available and you can also visit the concession stands and bring food and drinks back to the suite.

Contact Tom to schedule your event now. Call 843-390-2377 or email


Barefoot Ladies Group: This group started last spring to help new and seasoned residents meet new ladies.  It is intended to bring people together to form friendships.  Members are from all over Barefoot, multi-family and single family residents. 

All information is relayed through their Facebook page Barefoot Ladies Group. There we post our Happy Hours, special events, and information that may be interesting or important for our members to read.

This group is valuable for many women who are here on their own.  Whenever one is sick or there is an emergency, help is a post away.      

We are in the planning stages for upcoming larger events to be held at Putters.  Once we have more information, it will be posted on our Facebook page.


Caring Council of Barefoot: This amazing group sponsors event to raise money for the less fortunate in our community area. Countless hours are spent gathering food and donations and organizing Barefoot events. 

Activities include volunteering for Mobile Meals, food drives for North Strand Helping Hand, Christmas Wishing Tree, Teen Angel of NMB, Books for Summer Reading, School Supply Drives, and helping the American Red Cross.

If you are interested in helping, please contact Gwenn at: or send her a message.


Putter’s supplied delicious appetizers for the event.