As per the Barefoot Resort Residential Owners’ Association, Inc. By-Laws, Section 3.4: Nomination and Election Procedures: Paragraph (b) Election Procedures: All elections shall be held by mail. Per this section, ballots CANNOT BE ACCEPTED that are faxed, hand delivered, or emailed to Ponderosa Management, LLC.
Single Family Homeowners
Please cast your one (1) vote on the Director At Large Ballot that was mailed to you and mail to Ponderosa Management, LLC in the enclosed postage paid envelope.
Multi-Family Homeowners
Please cast your one (1) vote on the Multi Family Village Ballot and (1) vote on the Director At Large Ballot that was mailed to you and mail to Ponderosa Management, LLC in the enclosed postage paid envelope.
Please mail your ballot now!
All Ballots are due on or before noon on Thursday, December 1, 2022. The Ballots will be counted and tallied on Friday, December 2, 2022.