2017 JUNE
by Pat Heerey, BRRA Sign Sub-Committee
The BRRA Sign Committee is a an informal sub-committee of the Architectural Review Committee with only two members.
The committee was created in 2013 to oversee the sign refurbishment project. BRRA Board members Michael Atwood and Kathy Kempf had brought the deplorable condition of the Barefoot signs to the attention of the Board. No maintenance had been done since original installation.
The project cost over $110,000 and included all street signs on the spine roads and within all communities, as well as handicap signs. Only LeatherLeaf and The Dye Estates opt to maintain their own signs with their own HOA funds.
This committee of owner volunteers continues to review sign conditions on an annual basis.
Summary of Duties…
Every spring, the committee takes inventory of the Barefoot signs. A spreadsheet defining minor repairs and maintenance is given to Ponderosa for the budgeted annual maintenance. These include paint touchup, cleaning / mildew treatment, and base repair from lawn maintenance equipment.
If any unusual repairs or recommendations are needed, the committee gathers costs and submits a Request for Funds to the BRRA Board.
Recent Accomplishments…
In 2016 all of the 500 Barefoot signs were numbered with metal tags and the corresponding spreadsheet was given to Ponderosa.
The shuttle signs which were continuing to degenerate due to water intrusion and sub-standard construction were replaced with acrylic signs attached to the benches. This solution was a huge savings over re-constructing the shuttle signs.
High-powered solar lights were installed at each of the 13 directional signs throughout Barefoot to illuminate the signs at night.
Repairs included touch-up of 38 sign posts and purchase of 8 handicap metal signs and 9 single-sided reflective aluminum street signs to replace unreadable signs.