Barefoot Pickleball Round Robin

Do you want to pickle? You know you like it !!!  You know that you want it !!!

The Barefoot Lifestyle Committee is sponsoring the Inaugural Barefoot Pickleball Round Robin.

This is your opportunity to play in this inaugural event for Barefoot residents.  Meet your neighbors and share in a fun social outing of pickleball. Barefoot has reserved six indoor courts at the J. Bryan Floyd Community Center from 3-5 pm on May 29th, 2024.

There is a $10 cost per player and is open to men and women at all playing levels.  The total number of players will be 40. Registration will close when 40 players are reached or May 22, 2024.

Pickleball, water, snacks, and awards will be provided. Don’t get yourself in a pickle and sign up today.

To sign up, contact Sun Lee, 440-520-3541 or Linda Kyzer, 516-554-5250.

Inaugural Barefoot Pickleball Round Robin
General Information

The event will be held at the J. Bryan Floyd Community Center. Address: 1030 Possum Trot Rd, North Myrtle Beach, SC  29582.

It will be held on May 29, 2024, from 3-5pm. Arrive by 2:30 to sign in.

The format of the pickleball games is a round robin doubles game. First team to score 11 points wins. No tiebreakers.

A sign in sheet will keep track of the players, scores and games played.  Each team will be responsible for score keeping. There will be no referees.

Each participant should be able to play in a minimum of four games. Playing with different partners is highly encouraged.

The game is social and no bangers are permitted. A safety waiver is required to participate.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Q – Can any level of player participate?
A – Yes, when registering please specify if you are a beginner or an intermediate player

Q – What happens if I only want to play a few games (not 4 or more)?
A – This is perfectly fine. The player can choose to play as little or as many games he or she wants.

Q – Is there a maximum number of games that I am allowed to play?
A – No. The caveat is the constraints of time and the rotation of round robin play.

Q – Can I have the same partner for every game?
A – It is highly encouraged for players to play games with different partners. Dependent upon the number of entries and the rotation of the round robin format that you may have the same partner in some games.

Q – Will the teams consist of one man and one woman?
A – It may but not necessarily. The teams maybe any combination dependent on the four players in the game. The four players can decide the pairings prior to playing.

Q – Will the players be grouped by skill level?
A – Possibly, this will depend upon the number and skill level of the players that sign up.

Q – How much does it cost to register?
A – The cost is $10 and includes two hours of play, water, snacks and prizes

Pickleball Player Registration

Barefoot Community:
Cell Phone Number:
Pickleball experience:   (Years)
Skill Level:

Pay by check to the BRRA, reference Inaugural Pickleball
Checks can be dropped off to Sun Lee
2450 Marsh Glen Drive Unit 814
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582