Below is the information related to the Barefoot Resort Bridge Road swing bridge as provided in the city council workshop on December 18, 2023.
The council will try to get a lower price by next week when the decision to move forward has to be made if work is started in January.
The city feels the need to repair the sidewalk sooner than later, but asked the Department of Public Works to attempt two additional bids and at very least get an itemization of replacement to the sidewalk if the city removes the cement sections first. How much less than the $750,000 will the bidder charge.
As for replacing the entire bridge, the city has it as a project on the GSATS road improvement plan and recently moved the Barefoot Swing bridge up in the schedule as the swing bridge is old and parts for structural and electrical systems are not readily available. The start date is now 2026 completion by 2034. Repair of the sidewalk now will thus provide 10 years of use for pedestrian traffic.
Neal Witkin
BRRA City Liaison