Neighborhood Watch Update


June 16, 2021 at 4 PM via Zoom: Hurricanes – A Behind the Scenes Look
National Weather Service – TBD
Horry County Emergency Management – Thomas Bell
NMB Department of Public Safety – TBD

September 15, 2021  at 4 PM via Zoom: Traffic Concerns
Presenters: TBD

December 15, 2021 at 4 PM via Zoom: Personal Safety
Presenters: TBD

The March Open Meeting on Human Trafficking was held on the 18th via Zoom at 4:00 PM. Over 50 people joined the broadcast. Sherrie Smith, Horry County Sheriff’s Office and leader of their Task Force on Human Trafficking gave the presentation. Amy Vicks, NMB Department of Public Safety and a member of that Task Force assisted. The presentation was very informative and eye opening with several questions from the audience. While we all think of human trafficking as happening somewhere else it occurs here and in our neighboring communities.  If you missed the meeting but would like to see the recording, it is available here.

We are happy to announce that we have Community Coordinators in every neighborhood including the North Tower.