Voting Members: We need you!

DECEMBER 1, 2017


The Voting Member and Alternate Voting Member from your community play important roles in the operation of the Barefoot Resort Residential Association. Every community in the Barefoot should be represented by a Voting Member and Alternate.

Who are voting members?

They are the representatives selected by the owners within each Barefoot neighborhood to be responsible for casting all votes attributable to Units in the Neighborhood on matters requiring a vote of the membership. They must be an owner of a unit/lot or  spouse of such owner and be current in assessment payments.

Why have voting members?

The Voting Member and Alternate positions have been established by the BRRA Bylaws and Master CCRs for the purpose of representing the interests of the residents in Barefoot neighborhoods and seeing that rules are applied fairly, firmly, consistently and without favoritism or improper motives.

Members engage residents in seeking their involvement, opinions and advice and by keeping them routinely informed. The Voting Member and Alternate positions are resident driven and run by and for the residents. 

What do voting members do?

The Voting Member and/or Alternate meet as often as necessary with their community Board and residents of their community to discuss relevant topics that impact the community as a whole and all residents.

The Voting Member and Alternate attend monthly BRRA Board meetings. They are the voice of those whom they represent and communicate information from the BRRA Board of Directors to their respective neighborhoods.

They can be asked by the BRRA Board to perform other tasks or communicate specific information to their respective neighborhoods. This includes items that are pertinent to other committees or groups that impact the community.

They should obtain and maintain email and/or phone numbers of all residents in their neighborhood to facilitate communications with the residents of their community. Voting Members as a group have been given many responsibilities and powers by the BRRA Bylaws and CCRs – not the least of which is that the BRRA Bylaws may be amended only by the affirmative vote of Voting Delegates representing 51% of the total Class A Members (Owners).

The role of Voting  Members is extremely important, and vital to the proper functioning of Barefoot.

Voting Members and Alternates are encouraged to meet as often as necessary to share communiction  approaches with other Voting Members and  discuss their roles, as  defined by the BRRA Bylaws and CCRs.

What can YOU do?

Step up and get involved in Barefoot issues.

Do you regularly hear from your Voting Member about BRRA meetings? Be sure that you and your community are represented. Your Voting Member / Alternate is your community’s voice in the Barefoot Resort Residents Association. 

Apply now as a Voting Member for your community. Ask your Board who has stepped forward in your community for 2018. 

The deadline for returning completed applications is December 15, 2017.
Please act now!