Water Tower Fence Solutions

MARCH 2017

by Kowena Suckstorf, Chair


On behalf of the Barefoot Resort Residential Owners Association (BRRA), the Strategic Planning and Development Committee (SPC) will be sending out a survey to get community input on how to address the fence issue along Water Tower Road. 
This survey will be administered through your community’s voting delegates. We will send a community-wide email blast to all residents with information about when the survey will go out and the deadline for completion.

Many residents have expressed a desire to elevate any rebuilding or enhancements to a community-level project. The argument is that a more permanent and decorative structure will benefit Barefoot, especially as Water Tower Road becomes a mainstream road and traffic is increased.

There are many factors that will go into the final project, such as initial cost to build the final solution and impact to member fees and assessments. We also know that the City plans to turn Water Tower Road into a 4-lane thoroughfare and may be willing build a sound barrier between the road and BRRA. The SPC is already in contact with City planners about the road widening and what that means to us.

This survey is your opportunity for you to voice your opinions and provide input on how the fence issue along Water Tower Road should be addressed. This is just the first step to determine the will of the BRRA members. 

Next steps will be taken based on the majority. If at least 51% of the members want to take responsibility for a Water Tower Road barrier, the resulting data from this survey will be used to conduct further research and develop a solution that satisfies the needs and wants of the majority. 

If the 51% threshold is not met, the SPC will work with representatives from the Fence Committee and members from the communities along Water Tower to devise a solution in the near-term.