Website Committee Annual Report

October 1, 2019

~ Bobbi Reeves, Website Committee Chair

2019 has been a busy year for the Website Committee. The registration initiative has been a priority as we attempt to increase the number of owners that are officially registered on the BRRA website. Our goal is to keep the website information current and to continuously improve content and navigation.

Our eBlasts are sent to registered owners only. This methodology has proven to have a very high rate of opening. If you wish to be included, simply go to and click on Owner Registration at the top of the page.

There is an abundant amount of information contained on our website including the BRRA meeting minutes, financial reports by neighborhood, BRRA committee meeting minutes, articles and photos, as well as upcoming events appearing in the Scrolling Banner across the top of the homepage.

If you are registered and logged in, you also have access to our online Directory. The Directory lists all registered Barefoot owners that choose to have their information displayed in the Directory.

The Website Committee continues to work on improving your experience and we are open to your feedback and suggestions. Please contact Bobbi Reeves via email at or Michelle Mate our website manager at

Highlighted events this past year included:

  • Website Updates:
    • There has been significant growth in the mobile segment of owners viewing our website on their mobile phones. Based on the increased percentages, our committee worked with our website manager and programmers to improve your mobile experience. This project was completed in July 2019. We hope you are enjoying your up-to-date view.
    • The Calendar was recently updated. This is an area that was not being utilized as intended, as a result, the Calendar has been improved. Take a look! You may glance at a monthly view of events going on or a weekly view, or even day-by-day, it is your choice. We hope you find this useful.
  • Website Registration Initiative by Neighborhood:
    • Earlier this year, the registration process was enhanced to make it easier for you to register. We continue to work on back-end programming that will help us with keeping our databases current.
    • We also have been working with Voting Members and Community Boards who show interest in increasing their neighborhood registration with some success.
    • For each neighborhood wanting to work with us to increase registration, we are striving for a goal of at least 75%, depending on your starting point. If the agreed goal is reached, we will conduct a random drawing of all registered owners, awarding two (2) $100 gift cards.