Website Committee Annual Report

October 1, 2020

~ Bobbi Reeves, Website Committee Chair

To say the least, 2020 has been an interesting year. However, we continue our efforts on the redesign of our website although progress has been slow due to Covid-19.

Our #1 priority remains to increase owner registration. There is an abundant amount of information contained on our website including the BRRA meeting minutes, financial reports by neighborhood, BRRA committee meeting minutes, Beach Cabana videos from our current Board President, Jerry Saxon and up-to-date information on our Scrolling Banner across the top of the homepage.

eBlasts have shown to be an excellent tool to provide information right to your inbox. This methodology proved to be especially true this year with Covid-19. We needed to get information out quickly and we did! A few examples included the opening of the North Tower Pool, the Waivers, the Residents’ Club Pool opening, updates on the Storm, Know Your Zone, etc. eBlasts are sent to all BRRA owners who are registered on our website. If you wish to be included in these communications, simply go to and click on Owner Registration at the top of the page.

If you are an owner registered on the BRRA website, when you login, you have access to the BRRA Online Directory. The Directory lists all registered owners that choose to have their information displayed in the Directory. This is a great way to get in touch with your neighbors.

The Website Committee continues to work on improving your experience and we are open to your feedback and suggestions. Please contact Bobbi Reeves via email at or Michelle Mate our website manager at We look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions.