2017 Clothing Drive a success!

FEBRUARY 1, 2018

For many years, our Barefoot single residence families have supported the Annual Christmas Dinner held at St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church by collecting winter coats. After a delicious Christmas dinner, attendees were invited to select much needed warm coats from the donations. This year, organizers recognized that attendees needed more than just coats, so the request for donations was expanded to include gently used clothing, shoes, blankets, and pocketbooks plus new toys for the children.

The Barefoot Caring Council sent out requests for donations to both our multi-family and single family Barefoot Communities. Thanks to the communication channels provided by the new Lifestyle Committee, the BRRA website, and the single-family Lifestyle Director, we were able to engage a larger number of Barefoot residents in this year's clothing drive! As a united Barefoot, we collected and delivered over 250 bags of clothing and 30 new toys to the Greek Orthodox Church on 12/18. The Community Christmas Day Dinner organization was absolutely astounded at our donation and thanked us profusely for our efforts!

Many, many thanks to EVERYONE who donated items! Your generosity is amazing! Also, many thanks to our residents who volunteered as collection points and then jumped in to deliver our donations on 12/18!

The success of the 2017 Clothing Drive is another great example of what can be accomplished when we unite together to support charitable projects!

The Barefoot Caring Council is a group of Barefoot residents committed to donating time and resources to support local North Myrtle Beach non-profit organizations! We invite your feedback and suggestions on new service projects for 2018! To provide feedback or explore volunteer opportunities, please contact Gwenn McDaniel at gwenns101@gmail.com.

Together we can do more to make a positive impact on our community!


Gwenn McDaniel & Charlene Dougherty
Caring Council Clothing Drive Co-Chairs